Maxkon 40 Inch Wall Recessed Mounted Electric Fireplace Heater 900/1800W w/5 Flame Settings


$199.97 $199.97

Maxkon 40 Inch Wall Recessed Mounted Electric Fireplace Heater 900/1800W w/5 Flame Settings
Maxkon 40 Inch Wall Recessed Mounted Electric Fireplace Heater 900/1800W w/5 Flame Settings
Maxkon 40 Inch Wall Recessed Mounted Electric Fireplace Heater 900/1800W w/5 Flame Settings
$199.97 $199.97

Warm up the chilly room with the modern Maxkon Recessed Fireplace. It can be operated with the touch panel or remote control within 9 metres. To match your different needs there are two heat settings of 900 watts and 1800 watts. The built-in timer allows you to set from 1 to 8 hours for convenience. The fireplace displays a realistic flame effect and can heat up to 200 square metres. It is designed for recessed wall mounting ideal for any room of your home or office. Easy to install this unit will keep you warm in cold weather and will add an incredible sense of style.nbspnbspnbspnbsp

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